Thursday, January 13, 2011

USB conversion over christmas.

This will once again deviate from "insert photograph here" theorem, this will be a completely geeky post, sorry.

This time, i will talk about and post pictures related to a project i had in my downtime over Christmas. I needed something completely different from photography in that busy season to get home and occupy my mind enough to rest it a bit.

Heres a photo of what i did... See if you can guess what the spin is.

Answers! and a ton of photos after the break! Read on!

The answer? Theres a little USB Cable sticking out that typewriter! Yes there is! Why... who knows, but i put it there.. and it works  : D

So i ordered a kit for a USB Typewriter conversion from! A few weeks later, came some PCB boards and all the little electrical components i needed... just had to assemble everything... after failing horribly at the soldering part.. sorry tiny parts i am not anywhere near delicate enough to handle you. Help arrives, in the form of my father. And he quickly solders everything up nice and tidy... quickly being subjective, took a few days due to the nature of the typewriter and having to make the trip back and forth to my place.

Once the PCBs were assembled, i handled the mechanical knick-knacks, installation, and running the wires throughout the typewriter.

Enough chat, Photographs!

Quite a workout.

The finished product and a horrible video of it in-action.

That tiny little hole on the side? Calibration hole. Insert tooth pick during connection to run the calibration mode and set the keys to the desired input. "Strike A: ...." Type thing... Works great!

Oh, and of course, the typewriter still fits perfectly back in the original carry case i bought it with. USB cable just wraps neatly on the inside. Which makes it that much more puzzling to anyone opening it...

"Ohh a typewriter... why is.. no.. that doesnt work! you glued it on! ...."

p.s: in hindsight, i really should of made a better video... But i've already given the typewriter away as a gift, which was the initial purpose for it. have better videos of their stuff if you wanna check em out :)
p.p.s: just in case theres any confusion, i did not make the usb conversion kit, all the electrical parts, were ordered and per-programmed.


  1. Hahaha, I had that same model when I was a kid! Picked one up at a yard sale for $10 just for lols when I was 8. Great job an awesome pics ^.^

  2. Elle marche! Et fait sa job super bien en deux façons différentes: tap tap tap et par USB!Super cool, merci.

  3. I like the pics of the typewriter skeleton with all the wires coming out of it.
